The twin island Federation of Saint Christopher (Kitts) and Nevis is a former British and French colony, indeed the Mother Colony of the Caribbean. It now boasts of its Independence status since September 19, 1983. The combined area of both islands, two miles apart from their closest points, is just under 110 square miles but there is breathtaking topographical, flora and fauna beauty to spoil you. The combined population is well below 100,000 but the people are warm and friendly so it is quite easy to get comfortable when you arrive. The democratically elected Government is invariably stable, and the economy is bolstered by Tourism, International Financial Services and Citizenship by Investment.
Tourism, the leading economy of the islands, it has been growing steadily bringing with it new hotels and resort developments. Both islands have international airports and are connected by ferry lines. St. Kitts and Nevis, has the longest standing (established in 1984) citizenship by investment program in the world. A St. Kitts and Nevis passport allows substantial travel flexibility.
Citizens can often acquire long-term travel visas to many countries. There is no personal income tax, wealth tax, or inheritance tax. All applicants are subject to a strict background check. The granting of citizenship is at the sole authority of the government in accordance with the Saint Christopher and Nevis Citizenship Act of 1984 as amended; there is no guarantee that the applicant will be approved.
USD 250’000
Main applicant only
USD 300’000
Main applicant and spouse
USD 350’000
Main applicant and up to three dependents
USD 50’000
Each additional dependent under 18
USD 75’000
Each additional dependent aged 18 or over
USD 400’000
Plus Processing Fees:
Minimum Investment: USD 400’000 / 800,000
Plus Processing Fees:
Minimum Investment: USD 250’000
Plus Processing Fees:
English, Saint Kitts Creole
East Caribbean dollar (EC$) (XCD)
261 km2
Born and raised in Saint Kitts and Nevis, is the Chairman of Spectrum Management and Consulting Ltd. that provided Authorized Agent services for the past 8 years to its valued clients. Telbert has extensive experience in the Economic Citizenship space as well as the International Financial Services Industry.
He has held various high-level positions in the Saint Kitts and Nevis Government administration and sat on the local Bank Board of Directors prior to this chapter. His education includes graduate and postgraduate degrees from the University of the West Indies and the University of Southampton respectively.
10 Collyer Quay
#40-00, Ocean Financial Centre